Innovative design using Python & Physical Computing using Raspberry-Pi

Innovative design using Python & Physical Computing using Raspberry-Pi Summary

Department of Computer Science & Engineering has successfully organized a two Days Workshop on Innovative design using Python & Physical Computing using Raspberry-Pi, that had scheduled for 11 May 2023.

Objectives of Workshop:

To familiarize with the concept of Raspberry Pi using Python

Contents of Workshop:

    • Introduction of Python

    • Brief Introduction on Raspberry Pi

    • Make an Innovative design using Python & Raspberry Pi

Details of Workshop:

    • Workshop Topic: Innovative design using Python & Physical Computing using Raspberry-Pi

    • Date: 11 May 2023

    • Speaker Organization: Softpro India

    • Speaker Profile: Re. Rohit Kr. (CTO Softpro, India)

    • Workshop Objective: To familiarize with the concept of Raspberry Pi using Python

    • No. Of Students Participated 127